Smartmesh panels by Shurloc are the easy way to stretch on Newman Roller Retensionables. The mesh never touches the channel edges or old locking strips that can have burrs on them that can cause mesh to tear. The panels have locking strips already attached that clip...
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Murakami T9 can print all textile ink systems, often without the need for hardeners. The emulsion exposes well on LED and conventional Metal Halide exposure systems. Excellent resolution and durability in a pure photopolymer emulsion. Screens reclaim much easier...
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MS Degreaser – Superior cleaning power to prepare mesh for optimum emulsion coating. MS Degreaser leaves mesh PH balanced and promotes better adhesion and retention of details during screen development. Notice how the mesh on the left resists water while...
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Murakami Pre Stretched Screens can be stretched with any of our Smartmesh meshes. Stretched on precision stretchers with balanced tensions from frame to frame and consistent mesh to frame orientation for predictable halftone angles. Screens retain...
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Murakami Pre Stretched Screens can be stretched with any of our Smartmesh meshes. Stretched on precision stretchers with balanced tensions from frame to frame and consistent mesh to frame orientation for predictable halftone angle... Read More ››