150 LX Mesh
51% open area
Less squeegee pressure
More opaque prints.
Murakami’s new LX Mesh and standard S Mesh can print base plates and white highlight prints like no other mesh available. It’s unique mesh structure allows ink to print with minimal squeegee pressure and lay down consistent opaque base plates at standard squeegee speeds. The base plate is often the slowest printing head in a design. Speeding up the base plate print yields more pieces per hour and justifies the investment in a better base plate mesh. Murakami Thin Threads and LX Mesh have made a significant impact on print quality.
We have demonstrated that printing with a 150/48 micron standard ‘S’ thread or LX Mesh will yield a better white base plate that is more opaque with less ink than any other mesh count currently available. The hand is softer and reproduction of the image is more accurate dot to dot.
Our 80/71 micron and LX80SS/54 micron have made printing gels and high density inks a breeze. Our 225/40 micron is in high demand for detailed water base prints and plastisol halftones instead of using a standard 230 mesh.
First, Thin Threads and LX Mesh requires changing screen handling procedures.
The most important thing to remember about using either our Thin Threads or LX Mesh is that the screen process must be adjusted to handle these threads properly: Mesh Tension:
- The thinner the thread diameter the lower the optimum tension levels.
- Each mesh has it’s own workable tension level, which will vary by mesh count and thread diameter. You don’t need high tension to achieve superior prints with these mesh counts.
Click here to read an article on: How to Stretch S and LX Mesh
For more information and specifications on using Murakami products in production please contact our Technical Support Representatives available Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm PST at: 1.800.562.3534 or 1.323.980.0662