Washout: Applying water to the emulsion or capillary film after exposure to UV light to develop the image on the screen. Soften image then use a soft power spray to wash out the unexposed emulsion caused by the shadow of the black image on a film positive.
Wash Test: After a garment is printed it is washed to determine if the print is fully cured.
Water Based Ink: Inks that use water as their primary component. Water base ink is typically used on white fabric in roll to roll yardage or direct print.
Wet-On-Wet Printing: Without flash curing. Inks are printed one after another in a wet onto wet method. Plastisol typically prints wet onto wet after the base plate and before the keyline. Waterbase prints all colors wet onto wet or up to the keyline or for discharge up to a color that needs to be flashed to protect color quality.
Wetting Agent: A chemical used as an aid in the adhesion of the capillary film to the screen. May also refer to ink additives to promote ink flow.
Wicking: During the wet-on-wet printing process the bleeding of ink into the fibers of the garment.
Work Order: Necessary information required for the efficient production of an order, a document similar to a purchase order.