Smartmesh from Murakami covers any print need with a variety of meshes to suit your application. From special proprietary S threads for the whitest base plates you have ever seen to stainless steel trampoline screens for fine electric circuitry Murakami has the solution.

The power of S Mesh S Mesh excels at printing base plates, waterbase and discharge, high solids acrylics and special effects inks. Find out how to handle these finer meshes and what print solutions S-Mesh from Murakami offers. Spanish Version

Stretching Smartmesh on Common Stretching Devices Practical techniques to capture and stretch Smartmesh using typical stretching machines or frames to preserve the mesh and obtain optimum screen performance.

Stretching S and LX Meshes: These finer meshes require fine tuning your stretching process and handling techniques. A handy guide to understand how to stretch S Mesh

Using S Thread Mesh from Murakami S-Mesh from Murakami has significant advantages for easier transfer of ink due to a greater percentage of open area. This open area requires less squeegee pressure to print that conventional T mesh which lays the ink on the surface of the shirt for more opacity and a softer hand of the ink.

Murakami Pre-stretched Screens Murakami offers precision stretched screens on overbuilt aluminum frames. Our proprietary stretching machine results in uniform tensions across a set of screens with similar mesh count and aligns the threads square to the frame to allow common halftone angles to image moire free. We also stretch on the bias, or with the threads at an angle to control fine line print quality in horizontal and vertical lines.