Improved RZ value on print side
Consistent stencil thickness and EOM
Excellent resolution and definition.
Screens can be prepared quickly.
Made from fast exposing Murakami SBQ Pure Photopolymer Emulsion.
The photo to the right shows the improved RZ Value of Capillary Film vs. Direct Emulsion (on left)
Chart: Use your mesh count to determine the capillary film thickness you will need.
Capillary Film Application: Capillary film can be applied with three different methods:
1. Wet screen Method – After degreasing the mesh, rinse the mesh completely. Squeegee off excess water drops but leave mesh wet. To apply the film, lay the screen flat with the bottom of the screen facing up. With the emulsion side of the film facing down, gently curve the film in the center of the cut piece of film and allow it to come in contact with the mesh, then gently lower both sides until film is in complete contact with the wet mesh. With a squeegee gently make 1 pass over the film to insure complete contact. Place screen with film horizontall in a drying rack in a light safe area. Use a fan to accelerate dry times. The screen is ready to expose when the protective plastic carrier of the film peels off of the emulsion easily.
2. Spray bottle method – Using a build up board, place the capillary film emulsion side in the center of the board. Place a dry, degreased screen with the squeegee (inside) facing up and in even contact with the capillary film on the build up board. (The frame cannot rest on the table or build up board. Only the mesh is in contact with the capillary film on the flat, smooth build up board. With a spray bottle filled with water, gently spray the inside of the screen that is in contact with the capillary film. The film will turn dark when water reaches it. Do not overspray. The screen is ready to be dried when the capillary film area is uniformly wetted and dark in color. Excess spray and water is not advisable. Just enough to acheive a uniform wetting of the capillary film. Dry screen in light safe area, use a fan to accelerate drying. Screen is ready when the protective plastic sheet over the capillary film peels off easily.
3. Emulsion Method – Using the build up board, place a dry degreased screen over the cut piece of capillary film. Place 2″ tape on the inside of the screen and line up the edge of the tape to the edge of the film so no emulsion will leak during the next process. When the capillary film is bordered by tape on all sides and overlapping at the corners pour a small bead of compatible emulsion along one end, we recommend One Pot Sol C to match the exposure time and resolution of the capillary film. Secure screen with one hand while using a squeegee to draw the bead of emulsion across the film several times until the emulsion has wetted the entire piece of capillary film. Use a firm pressure. Avoid coating too thick or leaving beads of emulsion over the capillry film. Dry in a light safe area. Screen is ready when the protective plastic carrier sheet peels off easily. If it is hard to peel, continue drying until the protective sheet peels off easily.
For Thick Film, from 100-1000 microns please click here for instructions. The methods above are only for MS Capillary Film.